A sensível presença de Cristo

Existe algo tão santo em Cristo, que, na atmosfera pura e resplandecente de sua presença sensível, nenhuma mentira, nem mesmo qualquer exagero, é possível F. Godet. Commentary on St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans (E.T. Endinburgo, 1881), II, p. 31


Desmistificando o reino

“A widely held claim asserts something like this: “Jesus only mentioned the ekklesia [church] a few times, but He mentioned the kingdom over 100 times. So the kingdom is more important than the ekklesia.” Well, Jesus didn’t mention the kingdom over 100 times—there are 88 distinguishable references to the kingdom in the four Gospels. Nevertheless, […]


O poder de Deus

In the regeneration of men, there is a greater demonstration of the power of God than in the very creation of the universe. God created the universe “ex nihilo”, out of nothing. But when He saves a men, He recreates a mass of fallen depravity into a child of God. And there is no human […]